Well, hey there — guess what? Black River Orchard is now out in paperback, with a new cover, and MORE EVIL APPLES. (Okay, it contains exactly the same number of evil apples. Sorry for the false advertising.)
Hope you feel like checking it out if you haven’t — your local indie bookstore is, as always, the prime location for you to find it. Or ask your local library, because libraries are good and wonderful.
Suburban folk horror, baby! It puts the cult in agricultural.
Check it out now! If you want a signed copy (and if I still have some I’ll throw in a Natalie Metzger evil apple sticker and an evil apple variety all for you), order from Doylestown Bookshop, and they’ll ship directly to you. Otherwise, options include: Bookshop.org, B&N, Amazon, or this full-list of bookmonger sources at Penguin Random House.
And obviously, if you’re so inclined — please talk about the book. Leave reviews, chat it up on social media, wander up to random passersby and yell about it while pressing an apple into their hands. You know, the usual.
(Also out in paperback in the UK tomorrow!)